Archives: Events

Festival Launch: Contranatura (Against Nature) – Giacomo Cossio

A landscape of pot plants is transformed by neon blue paint

A lush landscape of potted plants is transformed into a monochromatic installation in a violent act against nature. 

Submerge Labs: On Ice Workshop – WAUHAUS and Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava

A group of people sit in swimwear on a dancefloor covered in lube.

WAUHAUS member, choreographer Jarkko Partanen introduces you to the challenges of dancing in lube.

Submerge Labs: Three Easy Steps To Becoming A Triple Threat Workshop – Lucy McCormick

Artist Lucy McCormick is seen welding a pole dancing pole.

Provocative artist and performer Lucy McCormick shares insight into her unique performance making practice.

Lucy & Friends – Lucy McCormick

Lucy McCormick, a white woman with blond hair. She has tomato puree on her face and sh is holding a butter knife.

Queer cabaret spectacular leaving audiences needing a hug, a cry and an immediate shower.

Breathe – Milla Koistinen

The artist Milla Koistinen is a white woman wearing a white sports outfit. She stands on a football pitch, manipulating a giant pink parachute sculpture.

A solo dance performance on a vast football pitch invites the audience to revisit memories of collective euphoria and joy.

Fluids – WAUHAUS + Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava

Fluids by Wauhaus and Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava. Three people hold a pose on a dancefloor covered in lube.

One part strange spectacle on ice, one part slimy orgy.

Submerge Talks: Artist in Residence – Lydia L’Scabies

Artist in residence Lydia L’Scabies is joined by artist and mentor Joss Areté for an online conversation exploring Lydia’s ongoing project; “House of Trauma!”

Ten Commandments – David Hoyle

A light-hearted antidote to the rat-infested dystopia in which we currently find ourselves, combining a captivating stage performance with lacerating social commentary.

Will You Marry Me? – Sara Leghissa

A site-specific and temporary public lecture exploring disobedience, complicity and public resistance.

Nurture – Samuli Laine

A one-to-one performance investigating the politics of care, gender and coexistence through the act of breastfeeding.